About "Recovery drive" in Windows 10
If trouble may happen like that your Windows 10 won't boot up, you can recover your Windows system with "Recovery drive" that you created in advance.
You need USB flash drive to create a recovery drive.(approx.32GB of USB flash drive is needed.)
How to create a recovery drive.
1.Open "Start menu", click "Windows Administrative Tools" and click "Recovery Drive".
※If "Recovery Drive" is not contained Start menu, Enter the "Cortana" and type "Recovery Drive", then open it.
2.Check "Back up system files to the recovery drive." and click "Next".
3.When the instruction like below image appeared, insert USB flash drive and click "Next"
※Drive size is due to the system.
4.USB flash drive is appeared like bellow image when USB flash is recognized by the OS. Confirm the USB flash and click "Next".
5.Read the warning and make sure that there is no problem, then click "Create".
6.Creating the recovery drive. Please wait about several hours.
7.Creating the recovery drive is completed when this screen appears. Then click "Finish"